Kee Mediation | Unused Blog
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Co-parenting during a holiday season, especially Christmas, can be a challenge, but with thoughtful planning and communication, it can be a positive experience for everyone involved. Here are some top tips for co-parents during Christmas: Plan Early: Start planning the holiday schedule well in advance to...

What is a MIAM?A MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) is an important step in the mediation and family law process. It is designed to help you to understand your options and consider mediation as a way to resolve your issues without going to court. Do...

Preparing for mediation can help you navigate the process more effectively and increase the likelihood of reaching a mutually agreeable outcomes. Here are some top tips to consider to help you prepare for mediation: Understand the Process: Familiarise yourself with how the mediation process works, including...

Telling your children about your separation can be one of the most challenging conversations you'll ever have. It's important to approach the discussion with care, sensitivity, and a clear plan. Here are some top tips to help guide you and them through this difficult process: Plan...

Managing school holidays after separation requires coordination, communication, and a focus on the well-being of the children. Here are some tips to help you navigate school holidays as co-parents: Create a Co-Parenting Plan: Establish a detailed co-parenting plan that outlines arrangements for school holidays. This plan...